Dimples of Israel - Ilana Goor Museum

Dimples of Israel - Issue no.3

Ilana Goor Museum

Ilana Goor is one of the most famous artists in Israel. Born in 1936, in Tiberias. Though she did not go to any art school, she became an international artist being autodidactic as well as very individualistic. She developed a unique approach to art that can be clealy seen in all her works. At the age of 83, she is still active in the same way she was at the age of 38.
Being a compalsive collectionist of art from different countries in the world, she turned her home into a museum, which is for years, open to the public.
Thousands of creative sculptures, paintings and ethnic works are filling every corner of the 4 stories building built hundreds of years ago. Located in the heart of Old Jaffa, overlooking the Mediteranean Sea, makes it a real jem, a “must visit” ! 

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* Dimples of Israel is a Regina Tours Blog. Israel has endless attractions, natural, historical and modern ones. This blog will take you to the most precious gems Israel has to offer.


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